What the Fuck is a Cervid Industry?

By Published On: 9 April 2010Last Updated: 17 January 2017

An industry driven by assholes who sell antler dust to other assholes

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I’m never surprised, although always shocked- as you should be, when I discover, yet another, exploitative use of animals.

Who knew people could confine cervids– deer, elk, moose, caribou, reindeer- in a domestic livestock setting (in order to kill them for their flesh and antlers), without them being completely FRIGHTENED and/or ESCAPING?!

High fences, I’m sure.

The Government of Alberta, in Canada, has the Directives and Procedures Manual for the Cervid industry.  It covers such topics as Escape Guidelines, and Harvesting Velvet Antlers.

Look at these assholes who sell antler dust to other assholes for selfish gain.  They claim,

The velvet antler is harvested annually without killing or harming the ranch-raised animals.

Do the people who buy antler dust really believe this?  Regardless of their “increased libido” claim, self-induced ignorance is sooo unattractive.


  1. […] Antler Supplement Drives Cervid Industry | Your Daily Vegan – Unapologetic Veganism […]

  2. […] Antler Supplement Drives Cervid Industry | Your Daily Vegan … […]

  3. jamesrathbun April 9, 2010 at 11:34 am - Reply

    Actually, my apologies. I neglected to properly read your article. I missed the “velvet” antler distinction, which is rather important. In that case you’re absolutely right. Those are chopped off before they can fully grow and that certainly does hurt the animal. Again, apologies. I spoke too soon.

  4. jamesrathbun April 9, 2010 at 10:11 am - Reply

    First off, let me say that I don’t support this industry or any other that exploits animals. However, in fairness, their claim of not harming the animal (any further than it’s confinement harms it) to obtain the antlers is actually true. They are naturally shed seasonally and picked up off the ground at these farms. It could be equated to walking around and picking up the hair the animal sheds. Again, I’m not saying that I support doing that, because I don’t, but as an activist it’s important to have one’s facts straight.

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Your Daily Vegan. Your Daily Vegan said: What the f@ck is a "Cervid Industry"?! Oh right, an industry of assholes. http://ow.ly/1wrBs #vegan […]

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